Nanny jobs in Ibiza

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nanny jobs in Ibiza

The questionnaire is designed exclusively for the following professions: midwives, pediatric nurses, medical visitors, nurses, tutors, senior tutors, teachers, psychologists, speech therapists, doctors, professors, classroom teachers, music teachers, nutritionists, philologists (all languages).


Items marked with a (*) are required!

Name and surname: (*)

Maiden name: (*)

Current residental adress: (*)

ID card number and personal ID number: (*)


Mobile phone: (*)

Email: (*)

Are you a skilled childcare professional:

Education: (*)

Additional education:

1. Are you married? (*)

2. Do you have children (specify how many): (*)

3. Experience in child care: (*)

4. Do you speak foreign languages (please specify)?

5. Do you have a driver's license (state how long you drive)?

6. Do you have a passport (if yes, please specify country)

7. Do you know children's games (please specify)

8. Do you know the songs and fairy tales (specify):

9. Please specify at least three children's cosmetics producers:

10. Do you have fear of holding an infant? (*)

11. Explain a brief way of bathing an infant and what should be given a special attention to: (*)

12. Explain how to hold an infant properly: (*)

13. Explain the way of changing the clothes of the baby (*)

14. After how many months the baby moves on to regular food and explains the procedure: (*)

15. In which month the baby begins to sit? (*)

16. When does baby start to walk? (*)

17. What will you do first when you notice that your baby has a fever? (*)

18. How do you calm down the baby if it starts to cry hysterically? (*)

19. Minimum time period for which you are looking for a job? (*)

20. How many hours would you be able to work? (*)

21. Specify the age of the child to be looked after (*)

22. How many children you would look after (*)

23. Preferable location of work

24. Would you have looked after the child in a family with pets? (*)

25. Do you fear heights? (*)

26. Do you have health problems (specify) (*)

27. What do you expect from the family you would have looked after children? (*)

28. Would you perform easier household chores (please specify)? (*)

29. What amount of salary do you expect? (*)

30. Do you want to sign up for additional training of a nanny? (*)

31. Do you have experience with children with special needs? (*)

32. Would you care for children with special needs? (*)

33. Is a kind of child special need important to you? (*)

Personal picture: